The elected student council members have a significant role in enriching and improving students’ participation in developing our school environment and creating safe spaces for creativity and unique self-expression. A goal that we will all work for achieving and paving all the ways to see it happen.
The secondary school organized the 2020/2021 student council elections. Many of our students competed to win council seats, spanning from grades 6 – 10. The election process began by holding introductory sessions to explain the candidates’ programs and plans for this academic year. These sessions were held during advisory periods. Each candidate has the opportunity to present his/her intended plans and strategies for this school year.
The election process was conducted taking into account safety protocols at the school to protect our students from the Covid-19 virus. The students elected their preferred candidates via an electronic election and selection mechanism. We did not revert to the classical paper and ballot box method, hence preserving our students’ safety.
Among the Arab International Academy’s goals is “equipping future, world-class leaders. Leaders that enjoy integrity and respecting others’ perspectives, problem solvers, ones who value social service, and inspire others to take an interest in public opinion issues.”